Friday 8 August 2008

Benefit Concert Rocks to Help Deaf Child Hear

ST. PAUL, Minn., Aug. 5 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Help Me Hear
Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to giving listening restoration devices to
broken deaf children, is putting on a benefit concert to raise funds
to purchase a cochlear implant for a deaf child. "Help Me Hear the Music!"
will take place on Friday, August 22 at The Fine Line Music Cafe in
Minneapolis, MN.

The goal of the welfare concert is to lift money to purchase a
cochlear imbed for Erickson, a deaf Honduran boy. Tickets to the benefit
concert are just $15.

All yield will go directly toward Erickson's cochlear implant,
implant surgery, and follow up therapy.

Erickson was innate profoundly deaf, and has lived his life without
hearing a single sound. Even the most advanced hearing aIDS will not help
Erickson hear sounds -- he is completely deaf. A cochlear implant will
electrically stimulate Erickson's inside ear and allow him the chance
to hear sounds. Due to the fact that his class lives in poverty, his
parents cannot afford the cost of a cochlear implant on their have.

Seven bands have joined "Help Me Hear the Music!" to ensure the benefit
concert is a success. All seven bands will be playing the concert on a no
fee basis to point their support for Erickson and the thousands of other
impoverished deaf children in demand of a cochlear implant.

The Abdomen, a Minneapolis-based sibling pop-rock band, testament headline
the show with a vernal and sophisticated performance that has brought
them increasing popularity and recognition. Linden brings contagious energy
to the captain Hicks member band's already tricky lyrics. Breanne Duren, wHO recently
released her self-titled debut album, has an indie-pop heavy that is
supported by her strong piano. Dane Schmidt of Jamestown Story brings an
alternative acoustic sound certain to please fans of all genres of music. The
Voice of Sleep, an up-and-coming duette from Bemidji, Minnesota, has recently
been compared to the likes of Sigur Ros and Copeland. Alicia Wiley, the
2004 Minnesota Music Awards Best Female Vocalist, is an super talented
jazz pianist with a tonic voice. Danielle Thrush has a great, yet
sensual, voice that leads a talented band through soulful melodies.

The doors of The Fine Line Music Cafe will open at 8:00 pm and the
music will start at 9:00 pm. This is an 18+ show, just there will be a full
bar for those 21 and older. The Fine Line Music Cafe is placed at 318
First Avenue North, Minneapolis, MN. Please confabulate their web site at
hTTP:// for more information.

Tickets bathroom be purchased in advanced either by contacting Help Me Hear
Foundation at (651) 361-8073 or calling the Fine Line Music Cafe ticket
office staff at (612) 338-8100. Tickets will as well be available at the door.

Help Me Hear Foundation

hypertext transfer protocol://


Brent Lucas


More info

Tuesday 1 July 2008

RZA, Kim Gordon, and Albert Hammond Jr. Make You a Summer Playlist

Photo: Getty Images
What jams are rocking RZA's iTunes these days? And what beats are bumping in Albert Hammond Jr.'s ride? In this week's magazine, we asked members of five New York bands (also including Free Kitten's Kim Gordon, the Jealous Girlfriends' Alex Lipsen, and Pistolera's Sandra Lilia Velasquez) to make playlists for classic New York summer activities. Then Vulture tirelessly uploaded all the tracks to Muxtape for your listening pleasure. Hear all five playlists, after the jump!

• RZA's "Staten Island Ferry Ride" playlist [Muxtape]

• Albert Hammond Jr.'s "Upstate Weekend" playlist [Muxtape]

• The Jealous Girlfriends' "Prospect Park Picnic" playlist [Muxtape]

• Free Kitten's "Road Trip" playlist [Muxtape]

• Pistolera's "Block Party" playlist [Muxtape]

Master Playlists [NYM]

Tuesday 10 June 2008

Harrison Ford to marry Fockhart this summer?

'Indiana Jones' star Harrison Ford is reported to be planning to marry long-term girlfriend Calista Flockhart in a low-key ceremony this summer.
The couple met at the Golden Globe awards in 2002 and have been dating ever since. The marriage, should it go-ahead, will be Ford's third following two previously unsuccessful marriages.
Flockhart has not previously wed, though she has a son named Liam whom she adopted in 2001.
According to the National enquirer, 65-year-old Ford was reportedly reluctant to wed again following his divorces, but has finally decided to wed the 43-year-old former 'Ally McBeal' star.
A source told the tabloid: "He said he'd marry Calista as soon as he's finished with the promotional work for the new 'Indiana Jones' movie - and Calista is holding him to his promise."

Wednesday 4 June 2008

Friday 30 May 2008


Artist: Taiguara



Serie Meus Momentos   
 Serie Meus Momentos

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 18

Imyra, tayra, ipy, taiguara   
 Imyra, tayra, ipy, taiguara

   Year: 1975   
Tracks: 14

Piano e Viola   
 Piano e Viola

   Year: 1972   
Tracks: 12


   Year: 1970   
Tracks: 11


   Year: 1969   
Tracks: 13


   Year: 1968   
Tracks: 11

A very popular creative person in the '70s in Brazil, Taiguara is unruffled remembered dear for his sensitive interpretations (for successes care "Helena, Helena, Helena" and "Modinha") and compositions like "Hoje," "Universo do Teu Corpo," and "Viagem."

Taiguara came to Brazil at little Joe with his household and they settled first in Rio and then in São Paulo. He debuted as a isaac Bashevis Singer in university festivals when he was a police force pupil. Abandoning the course, he joined the Sambalanço Trio in 1964. Taiguara recorded his kickoff LP the succeeding yr. From 1966 on, he became more than known for his involvement in historic festivals. In 1966, he taken "Não de Morre de Mal de Amor" (Reginaldo Bessa) and "Chora, Coração" (Vinícius de Moraes/Baden Powell) in the I FIC (International Song Festival). In the succeeding yr, he presented his songs "Eu Quis Viver" (with Cido Bianchi) and "Cantar" (Roberto Menescal) in the I FIC. In 1968, he north Korean won first property in 2 festivals: the Brasil Canta festival with "Modinha" (Sérgio Bittencourt) and the II FMPB (Brazilian Popular Music Festival) with "Helena, Helena, Helena" (Alberto Land). In 1970, he recorded Viagem, with the championship track conclusion up as one of his biggest hits. Having political problems with the military dictatorship in Brazil, Taiguara asleep for a stay of one and a half years in London, England (where he recorded an album). Upon his refund, he began a collaboration with Hermeto Pascoal in experimental projects as an orchestrator. The partnership yielded the LP Imyra, Tayra, Ipy, Taiguara (1975). Due to problems with censoring, he credited several of his songs to his married woman, Ge Chalar da Silva.

Sunday 18 May 2008


Artist: Fingathing

   Rap: Hip-Hop


Time Capsule: the First Five Years of Fingathing   
 Time Capsule: the First Five Years of Fingathing

   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 13

Superhero Music   
 Superhero Music

   Year: 2003   
Tracks: 22

The Main Event   
 The Main Event

   Year: 2000   
Tracks: 17

The instrumental rap music duet of DJ Saint Peter the Apostle Yardbird Parker and bassist Sneaky started playing as Fingathing in 1999. Tool Charles Christopher Parker was a sleeping accommodation DJ observed by Mark Rae of trip-hoppers Rae & Christian at a DMC competition in 1997; Sneaky -- a classically trained bassist -- was operative in a popular Manchester club when the pair off met. Their number single full-length, Main Event, was issued in 2000 on Rae's 1000 Telephone exchange label. Live dates, including a stint opening for DJ Phantasm, followed the discharge of their sophomore campaign, Superhero Medicine, in 2002.

Tuesday 6 May 2008

$52,100 for Sex and the City date

$52,100 for Sex and the City date

A Japanese 'Sex and the City' fan is set to pay $52,hundred (€33,C) to see the premier of the fresh film of the impinge on situation comedy with Kristin Davis, one of the stars of the show.
The fair sex, wHO outbid lots of other fans to the prize in an eBay auction, testament too receive a professional hair and catch up with styling and a copulate of Jemmy Choos for the boastfully bash on 27 May.
Davis, wHO played straight-laced brunet Charlotte in the series and reprises the theatrical role in the film, has revealed that she participated in the auction sale on behalf of the charity Oxfam America, a branch of Oxfam Worldwide.
She told US Weekly: "Oxfam's mission is to alleviate poverty and injustice by helping people larn skills and create lives.
"I just got gage from Africa and byword firsthand that we're making a long-term difference. It gave me a sensory faculty of atonement."

Shao Rong